Every year, our school has a week long trip to a choice of several international destinations. We’re given a list of different options ranging from skiing in the north of Finland, to a cultural trip through Barcelona. Last year, I went on a culture trip to Istanbul and loved it! I was really anxious to find out what trip I would be going this year, and super excited when I got my first choice. Sailing in Spain. Unfortunately, I was disappointed to find out my best friend would not be going on the same trip. It was nerve racking to not have anyone on my trip that I knew. Especially seeing as I would be spending a week on a boat with these people.
Ibiza |
The trip was unlike anything I have ever done before. We spent each day sailing on the water, and spent each night docked in a harbor. We learned a little about sailing the boats, such as working the ropes and navigation. My favorite part was probably steering the boat. It was amazing to sit at the top of the boat with the wind in your hair, and the sea spread out before you. Although I must say, there was often just a bit too much wind for me. The weather did not seem to cooperate with us throughout our trip and we had rain a few days, and very strong winds. The last day we were not able to go out on the water because the winds were so strong. Due to the unexpected conditions, we were not able to exactly follow our original plan. I learned that in sailing, everything depends on the weather...which is often very annoying. We had planned to sail around the island of Ibiza, and dock in a different harbor each night. But we only spent time in 2 different towns. The majority of our time was spent in a town called San Antonio, that I did not particularly like. The other night we stayed in Ibiza, and I found that I enjoyed the cute town.
Fortunately, I was lucky enough to find that I had two very nice girls on my trip, and easily became friends with them. One of our days on the water we did get the chance to swim, but it was so cold! We all jumped straight in and out. Our last day sailing we were lucky enough to have several dolphins swimming on the side of our boat for a few minutes. I’d say that was one of my favorite parts. Throughout the trip, we had to cook most of our meals in the small kitchen on the boat, and had a fun time cooking together!
I’m so glad that I was able to go on this trip to Ibiza, Spain. Sailing was a great and very different experience! There was plenty of time to relax, and enjoy the sea and scenery. Also, I was glad that I made a few new friends and tried something new! I would love to go sailing again sometime, but I don’t know if I would be able to last more than a week at a time on the rolling waves.