Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oh How To View the Olympics??

I love the Olympics, especially the winter ones.  When I was a kid it was easy, turn on the t.v. and watch prime-time broadcasting complete with special stories about athletes that would make me cry.  Remeber when Dan Jansen's sister died or when Tonya Harding had Nancy Kerrigan assulted?  The personal stories really made the Olympics come alive.
As an ex-pat, or not, it's a bit more difficult to follow the competition.  In New Zealand we loved watching the summer games and hearing about the NZ comepetitors.  They really kick butt in rowing and windsurfing, but I missed my American heros.  Then back in the states I held my tinfoil wrappedantenna  out the basement window until my fingers got too cold just in an attempt to see the games.  I was able to buy a few of the competitions off iTunes but that was very limited.  In Colombia I turned to slingbox.  A friend gave me her password and as long as the internet was streaming well that day I was able to get pretty good coverage.
So now I sit here in Russia with the Olympics a stone-throw away, but completely inaccessible.  I've been asking around to see what other people are doing.  Russian channels are an option, but I only know two words - yes and no - and I don't think they will enhance my viewing experience very much.  AFN looks like it might be another option.  We are lucky enough to get that, so I will set the ancient multi-region tv we were given in the family room so we can all watch it.  
Chad just gave me another option that looks like it will work-out pretty well.  NBC Sports Live Extra app. for my iPad.  The boys have been using it to watch soccer for about a year now.  All you need is a cable account number and password (thankyou mom & dad!).  I've been going through the app. for a few days.  There is an icon just for Sochi Olympics that opens up loads of interviews and commentary. I can beam it up to the large screen tv through my Apple TV box.  It makes me feel real techy.  Another feature that I'm liking is it tells me when certain events will be broadcast, and not just in America, but it figures out what time, where I am at!  Seriously cool, I don't have to go through all those complicated equations of timezones and whatnot.  So Monday morning I plan to get up at 5 am and watch the women's nationals long program while getting ready to sub!  Easy, peezy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I really like your article. I will keep coming here, Thanks
