Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The run

Anna and I both run cross country in the fall, so we are suppose to be keeping up with regular runs throughout the summer. I can't say I'm as committed as I should be, but Anna is determined to stay somewhat in shape, and so, I have been guilted into doing do so as well. As we prepared for our first run here, she told me that we would round up some of the kids as well. I expected a few of the older ones to join us. About 7 kids, ages 4-9 were waiting for us, as well as one 17 year old. You wouldn't expect this to intimidate me, but Kenyans are known for being great runners. That was one of the first things the kids told me when I arrived! Even Anna expected them to drop out within a few minutes, but as we ran, they showed no sign of tiring. Some were clad in flip flops and dresses, and yet they stomped along with us. Granted, we were not setting a fast pace (a 6000+ ft. altitude will slow you down a bit), but I was shocked! Although the kids all took many shortcuts along the way, as we approached home, they were still in league with me. I was beaten by a 4 year old on that run. But honestly, who can even be mad when this guy is a few steps ahead of you?

1 comment:

  1. Great story! And keep up the altitude training - it pays dividends when you get back to sea level. Wears off after a few weeks, but still.
