Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Dump

This may seem like an odd thing to talk about but it is actually going to be a small part of my life here.  Garbage removal, or rather rubbish removal comes one time a week.  You purchase small garbage bags, put your garbage in them and put them on your curb for removal - the same as in the states.  This is a very costly way to take care of your rubbish, so many people, myself included, take their rubbish to the dump.  The dump is a very interesting place.  It is very orderly.  As I drove in on the right there was a large pile of scrap metal things like old gutted cars and appliances.  It appears they recycle the metal.  Next I came to the recycle center where you could get out of your car with your recycling and throw each item into the appropriate bin:  Brown & green glass, clear glass, milk jugs, clear food plastic, cleaning containers, paper, cardboard.  They take only 1 & 2 plastics.  From there I continued down the road until I got to a hut with a large scale next to it.  I drove onto the scale and they weighed my car.  Then they waved me on to  another guy walking around who pointed to a wall and said "You may throw your rubbish over the wall."  So I drove up to the wall, got out of my car and looked over the edge.  Sure enough about 6' down was a freshly plowed area to throw my rubbish.   I looked to my left and saw a field of everyone else's rubbish.  I went to the trunk popped it open and threw my rubbish over the wall.  As I was throwing I noticed a large flock of seagulls fly up off the rubbish field.  Some things are the same any place you go!  I was very aware of the smell while I was doing this.  I was actually surprised because I did not get a Coopersville dump smell, rather I could smell the fresh earth mixed with a light garbage smell.  I got in my car and drove back to the hut and drove my car back onto the scale. The man said "$1.30 today for your load of rubbish."  As I drove away I pondered how efficient and inexpensive this system is.  In striking contrast to the large bin overflowing each week system, it encourages people to recycle because there is no cost for recycling whereas you are very aware of how much you are putting into the environment.  It does help to have to look at your rubbish every few weeks! 
No worries - Kris

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!!
    We have friends from our small group who spent 9 months in Germany and said recycling was huge in Europe, hope it grows here in the US.

    BTW- it would be helpful if we knew who was writing, I think it was Kris today, and I am quite ceritan it was Chad on Tuesday? right?

