Sunday, June 8, 2008

My New School

Every one knows that changing schools can be hard, now imagine changing schools internationally.  The knew school that I am now going to is different from my old school in so many different ways.  At Baldwin Street Middle School (my old school) you would change classes for every subject, here at Wiaroa College for some subjects you change classes and some subjects you don't.  The people here think differently than we do, one girl at school did not even bring any shoes or socks to school, even though she got in trouble. That's the way people do things around here.  On the first day of school I think I did pretty well, I made a friend (I think?!?), and I got all the work done that I was supposed to.  A couple hours into the day we went out side for tea break, the thing is no one had tea.  It was like recess for only a half an hour and people ate food during it.  Then a couple hours after that we had lunch, which is outside and lasts about an hour.   During the lunch period I played a game with some kids and a soccer ball.


  1. Damon, that is very interesting! Keep posting things about your school day, I love hearing about it!

  2. Damon~
    That seems like a better school than Bauer!
    I bet that you are making lots of new and exciting friends!
    Do you get to see Maddie during
    lunch,tea break and in the hallways?o
    Do you wish that you did 'nt have to wear a uniform?
    Keep posting things of what you do during the day!;0)
