Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Snow days?

As you all know we don't have snow here so we can't have a snow day.  It's winter here but when I heard at we would never get a snow day and I was not to happy about that!  So we're in school most of the time, but that's not true today.   We have broken chimney days!!!  I go to Tiaho primary, Maddie and Damon go to the Wiroa collage.  Yesterday the chimney broke so I can't go to school today while they are fixing the chimney because all the classrooms would be freezing.


  1. Congratulations Elena-a day off is a great thing! And, you did get to have 5 snow days when you were in Hudsonville. Your writing is terrific-keep it up! I'm glad to see you are happy in your new spot.
    Mrs. Myrmel

  2. Your lucky Elena, nothing that good ever happens to me. I like the blog and like to hear what you have to say about your move to New Zealand. I wish I was there in New Zealand with you.

  3. Hope you are having fun! I like the pictures.

    Megan Rookus

  4. hope your having lots of fun!you look so cute im thing about you right now!

  5. Hey Elena~
    how are you doing?Were you surprised that you do not get snow days or did you already know that? Well are you ready to come back to Michigan or would you stay if all your friends came down there to be with you?!:)
    Is the food down there different??
    Do you guys have to drink out of water bottles because you might get sick cause it is New Zeeland water or not? Well sounds like you and your family are having a BLAST!!!!!! I love the pictures:)
    do you know how long it takes to get the chimmney fixed?

    Megan Rookus
