Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This Explains Iowa

My initial impression of this place is that it's ridiculously beautiful. Once you get a look at it the subject is barely even debatable—not really, unless you're just a grinch opposed to the idea that anyone should ever be happy and that puppies are soft and cuddly. I find it hard to put into words. It borders on the ridiculous. You almost getting tired of hearing yourself say “Holy cow, that’s gorgeous!” Surely there must be somewhere in the world that is scenic-ly challenged because New Zealand got more than its share.

Hills are the major topographical feature; there is little flat to the land at all. Much of it is used for farming and the hills are not spared from grazing. This leads to an interesting impression that isn't immediately on one's conscious upon taking in the beauty (indeed, it's a major factor in the beauty): every thing, even in the most remote mountains and steepest hills (sparing only sheer cliffs) has the appearance of newly manicured lawns. And it is fairly literally that. Cows get what little level ground there is, sheep help with that and chew the hillsides, while goats are seen picking their way along steep, craggy and scree-strewn mountainsides. Driving through the roughest terrain the view is rolling hills with mown grass and no weeds. Rocky outcroppings and tall ornamental plants growing wild add to the natural beauty while small meandering streams are absolutely everywhere. Just when you think you can’t see a prettier scene, you round a bend and between two of these mind-bogglingly beautiful hills is a view of the sea. I think this must be the birthplace of the postcard.

And some mundane reaction like “Holy cow that’s gorgeous!” just doesn’t cut it. Not in New Zealand. This calls for more than your run-of-the-mill compliment. I seem to recall David out of the Bible gyrating half-naked in the streets to celebrate one particularly momentous event. Now that’s more like it! His wife thought his reaction was ridiculous, but how does one underline something really, really awesome? How about singing at the top of your lungs or dancing naked... All of which explains why I think that Damon’s first reaction was really a pretty good one. After a couple hours of taking in your fill of beauty, beauty and then another heaping helping of more gorgeous beauty, you’ve got to let it out somehow.
- Chad

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